tag and javascrip preloading. v0.9.5 Christmas 2005 - added sort by name and filmstrip thumbnail view v0.9.2 Aug 2005 - depricated $GLOBALS[] replaced with _GET v0.9.1 Aug 2005 - bug fixed to allow use on PHP < 4.3 v0.9 June 2005 - major re-write, now template based v0.6.2 august 2002 - minor upgrade, added javascript notes v0.6.1 july 2002 - fixed special character bug. v0.6 july 2002 - added lots of formatting options and a security patch v0.5.1 march 2002 - minor bug fixes, reg exp fix... v0.5 march 2002 - osx path fix, page headings for multi dir, cleaner... v0.4 july 10 2001 v0.3.5 july 5 2001 v0.3.4 april 19 2001 v0.3.3 january 9 2001 v0.3.1 september 29 2000 - added support for navigation image buttons v0.3 september 12 2000 - added support for image descriptions v0.2 august 28 2000 PHPSlideshow is relesed under the GPL See the license at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt Feel free to use/modify this little script IMPORTANT NOTE.... ;) if you want to send me a token of appreciation, i like coffee so anything from http://www.starbucks.com/card will be gladly accepted ;) my address is: attention: greg lawler 801 alston road, santa barbara, ca 93108 usa INSTALLATION: See README.txt enjoy :) greg */ // NOTE: your phpslideshow.php script will work "out of the box" and // all layout and visual effects are controlled by the template.html file. // you can fine tune your slideshow by editing some of these settings. // ------------- BEGIN CONFIG SECTION -- // error reporting // error_reporting(E_ALL); // number of thumbnails to display f a thumbnail directory exists // (note that this will be rounded down to an odd // number if you use $thumbnail_view = "circular";.) $thumb_row = 19; // thumbnail directory name (no slashes needed) $thumbnail_dir = "thumbnails"; // do you want to automatically generate thumbnails? // if this is set to true, you will need to provide your web site // ftp login info and web root directory below. // NOTE: Thumbnails are created the first time you view the slideshow. // $create_thumbnails = "true"; $create_thumbnails = "false"; // ftp user information for automatic thumbnails $ftp_username = "your_username_here"; $ftp_password = "your_password_here"; // ftp web root directory (httpdocs, wwwroot, webroot etc.) // this is the directory that your website is located in on your FTP login. // (no slashes needed) $ftp_web_root = "httpdocs"; // thumbnail size $thumbnail_max_width = 60; $thumbnail_max_height = 40; // $thumbnail_style: "scale" will resize and maintain proportions to the original image // "crop" will resize to exactly the thumbnail size you specify $thumbnail_style = "crop"; // output quality: 60 = poor quality tiny file, 100 = best quality larger file... $thumbnail_quality = 80; // this should work as localhost but if not, insert your ftp server's name $ftp_hostname = "localhost"; // sort/display images with newest or oldest on top or alphabetically by name. // this has no effect when pics.txt is used. // $sort_images = "oldest"; //$sort_images = "newest"; $sort_images = "name"; // thumbnail view: can be "filmstrip" or "circular" //$thumbnail_view = "circular"; $thumbnail_view = "filmstrip"; // name of file containing optional page headings $heading_info_file = "heading.txt"; // file containing optional image descriptions $pic_info_file="pics.txt"; // language text for various areas... $lang_back = "Back"; $lang_next = "Next"; $lang_of = "of"; $lang_stop_slideshow = "stop slideshow"; $lang_start_slideshow = "start slideshow"; $lang_img_hover = "click for next image..."; $lang_img_alt = "slideshow image"; // automated slideshow options // remember that you need in the section of your html // AND the tag in your page. // $delay is the number of seconds to pause between slides... $delay = 2; // set to true to display navigation icons instead of text... $show_navigation_buttons = "false"; $back_button = "/back.gif"; $next_button = "/next.gif"; // ------------- END CONFIG SECTION -- ################################################################################ // begin code :: don't make changes below this line... // initialize some stuff: $auto_url = ""; $thumbnail_actual_width = ""; $thumbnail_actual_height = ""; // grab the variables we want set for newer php version compatability $path_to_images = isset($_GET['directory']) ? strip_tags($_GET['directory']) : ''; $currentPic = isset($_GET['currentPic']) ? strip_tags($_GET['currentPic']) : ''; $auto = isset($_GET['auto']) ? strip_tags($_GET['auto']) : ''; // check for platform dependent path info... (for windows and mac OSX) $path = empty($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PATH_INFO'])? $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']:$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PATH_INFO']; // this only works on php > 4.3, replacing with file() //if( file_exists( "template.html" ) ) $template = file_get_contents("template.html"); if( file_exists( "template.html" ) ) $template = implode("", file('template.html')); else { echo "ERROR: Can't find the template.html file!"; exit; } // check that the user did not change the path... if (preg_match(':(\.\.|^/|\:):', $path_to_images) || strpos($path_to_images, $thumbnail_dir) !== false) { echo "ERROR: Your request contains an invalid path.
Can not locate $path_to_images in this directory.
"; exit; } if (empty($path_to_images)) $path_to_images = "."; // if there is no $heading_info_file (see format above) set page heading here if ( !file_exists("$path_to_images/$heading_info_file")) { $header = "Allevamento Blu di Russia Zar's Blue"; $title = "Allevamento Gatto Certosino Di Sinus Iridum"; } else { $heading_info = file("$path_to_images/$heading_info_file"); $header = "$heading_info[0]"; $title = $header; } $template = str_replace("",$title,$template); $template = str_replace("",$header,$template); // image / text buttons if ($show_navigation_buttons == "true") { $back_src = "back"; $next_src = "next"; } else { $back_src = "$lang_back"; $next_src = "$lang_next"; } if ( !file_exists("$path_to_images/$pic_info_file")) { $dh = opendir( "$path_to_images" ); $pic_info = array(); $time_info = array(); while( $file = readdir( $dh ) ) { // look for these file types.... if (preg_match('/(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$/i',$file)) { $time_info[] = filemtime("$path_to_images/$file"); $pic_info[] = $file; } } if ($sort_images == 'name') { natcasesort($pic_info); $pic_info = array_reverse(array_reverse($pic_info)); //resetting array keys } else { $sortorder = $sort_images == "oldest" ? SORT_ASC : SORT_DESC; array_multisort($time_info, $sortorder, $pic_info, SORT_ASC, $time_info); } } else { $pic_info=file("$path_to_images/$pic_info_file"); } // begin messing with the array $number_pics = count ($pic_info); if (($currentPic > $number_pics)||($currentPic == $number_pics)||!$currentPic) $currentPic = '0'; $item = preg_split('/;/', rtrim($pic_info[$currentPic]), 2); $last = $number_pics - 1; $next = $currentPic + 1; $next_item = @preg_split('/;/', rtrim($pic_info[$next]), 2); if ($currentPic > 0 ) $back = $currentPic - 1; else $currentPic = "0"; $blank = empty($item[1])?' ':$item[1]; if ($currentPic > 0 ) $nav=$back; else $nav=$last; $nav = "$back_src"; $current_show = "$path?directory=$path_to_images"; $next_link = "$next_src"; $template = str_replace("",$current_show,$template); $template = str_replace("",$nav,$template); $template = str_replace("",$next_link,$template); $template = str_replace("","$next $lang_of $number_pics",$template); // {{{ ------- EXIF stuff //get comments from the EXIF data if available... if(extension_loaded('exif')) { $curr_image = "$path_to_images/$item[0]"; $all_exif = @exif_read_data($curr_image,0,true); $exifhtml = @$all_exif['COMPUTED']; $comment = @$all_exif['COMMENT'][0]; if (!empty($comment)) { $template = str_replace("",$comment,$template); } } // }}} $image_title = isset($item[1]) ? $item[1] : ''; $template = str_replace("",$image_title,$template); // {{{ ------- my_circular($a_images, $currentPic, $thumb_row); function my_circular($thumbnail_dir, &$template, $a_images, $currentPic, $thumb_row, $path_to_images) { global $path; global $auto_url; // get size of $a_images array... $number_pics = count($a_images); // do a little error checking... if ($currentPic > $number_pics) $currentPic = 0; if ($currentPic < 0) $currentPic = 0; if ($thumb_row < 0) $thumb_row = 1; // check if thumbnail row is greater than number of images... if ($thumb_row > $number_pics) $thumb_row = $number_pics; // split the thumbnail number and make it symmetrical... $half = floor($thumb_row/2); // show thumbnails // left hand thumbs if (($currentPic - $half) < 0) { // near the start... $underage = ($currentPic-1) - $half; for ( $x=($number_pics-abs($underage+1)); $x<$number_pics; $x++) { $next=$x; $item = preg_split('/;/', rtrim($a_images[$x]), 2); $out .= "\n"; } for ( $x=0; $x<$currentPic ; $x++ ) { $next=$x; $item = preg_split('/;/', rtrim($a_images[$x]), 2); $out .= "\n"; } } else { for ( $x=$currentPic-$half; $x < $currentPic; $x++ ) { $next=$x; $item = preg_split('/;/', rtrim($a_images[$x]), 2); $out .= "\n"; } } // show current (center) image thumbnail... $item = preg_split('/;/', rtrim($a_images[$currentPic]), 2); $out .= "\n"; // array for right side... if (($currentPic + $half) >= $number_pics) { // near the end $overage = (($currentPic + $half) - $number_pics); for ( $x=$currentPic+1; $x < $number_pics; $x++) { $next=$x; $item = preg_split('/;/', rtrim($a_images[$x]), 2); $out .= "\n"; } for ( $x=0; $x<=abs($overage); $x++) { $next=$x; $item = preg_split('/;/', rtrim($a_images[$x]), 2); $out .= "\n"; } } else { for ( $x=$currentPic+1; $x<=$currentPic+$half; $x++ ) { // right hand thumbs $next=$x; $item = preg_split('/;/', rtrim($a_images[$x]), 2); $out .= "\n"; } } $template = str_replace("",$out,$template); } // }}} // {{{ ------- my_filmstrip($a_images, $currentPic, $thumb_row); function my_filmstrip($thumbnail_dir, &$template, $a_images, $currentPic, $thumb_row, $path_to_images) { global $path; global $auto_url; // get size of $a_images array... $number_pics = count($a_images); // do a little error checking... if ($currentPic > $number_pics) $currentPic = 0; if ($currentPic < 0) $currentPic = 0; if ($thumb_row < 0) $thumb_row = 1; if ($thumb_row > $number_pics) $thumb_row = $number_pics; if ($currentPic >= $thumb_row) { $start = $currentPic - $thumb_row + 1; } else { $start = 0; } $out = ''; for ($x = $start; $x < ($start + $thumb_row); $x++ ) { $item = preg_split('/;/', rtrim($a_images[$x]), 2); $class = $x == $currentPic ? 'thumbnail_center' : 'thumbnail'; $out .= "\n"; } $template = str_replace("",$out,$template); } // }}} // {{{ meta refresh stuff for auto slideshow... // thanks to tim barmann for the bandwidth saving hack to stop auto slideshow at the last image. if (($auto == "1") && ($currentPic < $number_pics-1)) { $auto_url = "&auto=1"; $meta_refresh = ""; $template = str_replace("",$meta_refresh,$template); $auto_slideshow = "$lang_stop_slideshow\n"; $template = str_replace("",$auto_slideshow,$template); } else { $template = str_replace("","",$template); $auto_slideshow = "$lang_start_slideshow\n"; $template = str_replace("",$auto_slideshow,$template); } // }}} $images = ""; $images .= "$lang_img_alt"; $template = str_replace("",$images,$template); $next_image = "$path_to_images/$next_item[0]"; $template = str_replace("",$next_image,$template); // useful for prefetching if( file_exists( "$path_to_images/$thumbnail_dir" ) ) { if( $thumbnail_view == "circular" ) { my_circular($thumbnail_dir, $template, $pic_info, $currentPic, $thumb_row, $path_to_images); } else { my_filmstrip($thumbnail_dir, $template, $pic_info, $currentPic, $thumb_row, $path_to_images); } } $image_filename = "$item[0]"; $template = str_replace("",$image_filename,$template); // {{{ ----- create the thumbnails and set the permissions... // the credit for this litte bit of genius goes to Jon from spiicytuna.org who suggested writing the directory // and permissions via ftp and sent me some code to prove his point :). if ($create_thumbnails == "true") { $full_www_path = dirname ($path); $full_ftp_path = $ftp_web_root."/".$full_www_path; $thumbnail = $path_to_images."/".$thumbnail_dir."/".$item[0]; if (file_exists($thumbnail)) { // echo "The thumbnail $thumbnail exists"; } else { // create the thumbnail directory for writing create_directory($full_ftp_path, $thumbnail_dir, $path_to_images, $ftp_hostname, $ftp_username, $ftp_password); // location of the original image $sourcefile = "$path_to_images/$item[0]"; // output file $targetfile = $thumbnail; /* Create a new image object (not neccessarily true colour) */ $source_id = null; // prep according to image type if (preg_match('/(jpg|jpeg)$/i',$sourcefile)) $source_id = imageCreatefromjpeg("$sourcefile"); elseif (preg_match('/(png)$/i',$sourcefile)) $source_id = imageCreatefrompng("$sourcefile"); elseif (preg_match('/(gif)$/i',$sourcefile)) $source_id = imageCreatefromgif("$sourcefile"); else die("Unknown image file type"); /* Get the dimensions of the source picture */ $source_width = imagesx($source_id); $source_height = imagesy($source_id); // scale or crop during thumbnail resize $scale = max($thumbnail_max_width/$source_width, $thumbnail_max_height/$source_height); if($scale < 1) { $thumbnail_actual_width = floor($scale * $source_width); $thumbnail_actual_height = floor($scale * $source_height); $target_id=imagecreatetruecolor($thumbnail_actual_width, $thumbnail_actual_height); if(function_exists('imagecopyresampled')) { $target_pic=imagecopyresampled($target_id,$source_id,0,0,0,0,$thumbnail_actual_width,$thumbnail_actual_height,$source_width,$source_height); } else { $target_pic=imagecopyresized($target_id,$source_id,0,0,0,0,$thumbnail_actual_width,$thumbnail_actual_height,$source_width,$source_height); } imagedestroy($source_id); $source_id = $target_id; } if($thumbnail_style == "crop") { $target_id=imagecreatetruecolor($thumbnail_max_width, $thumbnail_max_height); if(function_exists('imagecopyresampled')) { $target_pic=imagecopyresampled($target_id,$source_id,0,0,0,0,$thumbnail_max_width,$thumbnail_max_height,$thumbnail_max_width,$thumbnail_max_height); } else { $target_pic=imagecopyresized($target_id,$source_id,0,0,0,0,$thumbnail_max_width,$thumbnail_max_height,$thumbnail_max_width,$thumbnail_max_height); } imagedestroy($source_id); $source_id = $target_id; } imagejpeg ($target_id,"$targetfile",$thumbnail_quality); } } // {{{ ----- create_directory($full_ftp_path, $thumbnail_dir, $path_to_images, $ftp_hostname, $ftp_username, $ftp_password) function create_directory($full_ftp_path, $thumbnail_dir, $path_to_images, $ftp_hostname, $ftp_username, $ftp_password) { $new_thumbnail_dir = $path_to_images."/".$thumbnail_dir; //check to see if the directory is already there.... if(file_exists($new_thumbnail_dir)){ // check permissions for writing if (!is_writable($new_thumbnail_dir)) { chmod_ftp_directory($full_ftp_path, $thumbnail_dir, $path_to_images, $ftp_hostname, $ftp_username, $ftp_password); } } else{ $conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_hostname); // login with username and password $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_username, $ftp_password); // try to chmod $path directory if (!ftp_chdir($conn_id, $full_ftp_path)) die("FTP ERROR: ftp_web_root directory not found."); if(ftp_mkdir($conn_id, $new_thumbnail_dir)) { ftp_site($conn_id, "CHMOD 777 $new_thumbnail_dir") or die("FTP ERROR: unable to write to server."); return true; } else { return false; } // close the FTP connection ftp_close($conn_id); return true; } } // }}} // {{{ ----- function chmod_ftp_directory($full_ftp_path, $thumbnail_dir, $path_to_images, $ftp_hostname, $ftp_username, $ftp_password) function chmod_ftp_directory($full_ftp_path, $thumbnail_dir, $path_to_images, $ftp_hostname, $ftp_username, $ftp_password) { $new_thumbnail_dir = $path_to_images."/".$thumbnail_dir; $conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_hostname); // login with username and password $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_username, $ftp_password); // try to chmod $path directory if (!ftp_chdir($conn_id, $full_ftp_path)) die("FTP ERROR: ftp_web_root directory not found."); if (!ftp_site($conn_id, "CHMOD 777 $new_thumbnail_dir")) die("FTP ERROR: unable to write to server."); // close the FTP connection ftp_close($conn_id); return true; } // }}} // }}} echo $template; ?>